Sunday, August 18, 2024


A Productive Week

One of our chores last week was to keep watering our new sod.  Mother Nature helped us. That made our job easier.  It looks like it is taking hold so hopefully we won’t need to water as often.  The weather has been good –  not very hot, cloudy a lot so it’s not drying out as fast.

Several of our Iris have bloomed.  We have moved some to another bed.  Will move the rest soon.

Our local squirrels have been providing a chance for Lady to get some exercise.  They are really a pest and getting onto our bird feeders whenever they can.  We had to laugh at this one. He was doing a good job eating peanuts. We had another baffle. Galen put it over the ring.  Haven’t seen a squirrel in the feeder since.

Galen had a trip planned to SE Texas. Leaving Thursday and back on Saturday.  That meant I had some extra time to spend sewing.  I mentioned in my last post my next quilt would be Follow The Leader by Pat Speth. He ended up coming home on Friday.  Weather was not very good for outdoor photography. But I still was able to sew.  Left overs make for easy dinners!

It takes 92 blocks and 8 half blocks.  I have 39 blocks finished. This is the first 25 blocks.  Just putting them on the wall for now.  Hoping to use all different print fabrics.   This is the easiest way for me to check as I cut more squares!

Really going scrappy.  Using scraps from lots of different projects.  Anything goes!

I had a plesant surprise today- a red cherry tomato!  First one of the year. Tasted good too.

A lot of green ones on this plant. Should be getting yellow pear tomatoes soon as well.

Until next time.

To see what others are doing head over to Small Quilts Doll Quilts

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