Sunday, August 18, 2024


Really hard to believe.  Days do go by way too fast. I must get things done more slowly or maybe it’s too many squirrel moments.  Thought I would be further along getting the upstairs more organized by now.  Still a lot to do.  That’s where some of the squirrel moments enter.  See something and think I should just start it now!!

I was able to get the Windblown Texas Wildflower quilt bound.  My friend  get her long arm machine running for one quilt!  Got it back on a Sunday, trimmed and bound by Tuesday night.  Pretty good for a queen size quilt.Needless to say didn’t get much else done for 2 days.   We got it boxed and gifted to our good friends for their wedding on the 20th.

We celebrated Galen’s birthday at Salt Grass Steak House in Round Rock.   Good as always

Tried a new to us stir fry.  Shrimp and Asparagus stir fry.  We really enjoyed it so will make it again. Dug out another recipe that I had not made in several years. Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken.  No leftovers. Always a good sign.

We did get the shade cloth over the tomato plants that are in  full sun. See if it helps. We are now having 100° weather in the forecast.

Our Pride of Barbados is really showing off.  It is full of blooms. We have several small plants started.  Hope we can keep them growing.

Almost forgot to mention my Follow the Leader quilt.  Got it trimmed and bound and it has the label on for Linus.  It’s all ready to donate.  If you blow up the picture you will see the binding is as scrappy as the quilt! I always save the left over bindings for just such an occasion.

No plans for the 4th. Will stay put and in the air conditioning. Lady will spend a lot of time safely in her room.  Fireworks are illegal in Round Rock but legal in the county.   We are almost on the county line.  And to make matters worse Dell Diamond ( minor league baseball) is about 2 miles away as is Old Settlers Park.  The 2 big official displays are at those locations.   One Wednesday and the other Thursday. Plus we have decided with Lady’s hearing she can hear that noise from 20 miles away!! So from dusk on probably starting Tuesday we will have to go visit her.  She won’t be with us watching TV!  It’s funny, when we had Tilly she would watch them with us.  We would park somewhere to watch.  She would watch too.

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