Sunday, August 18, 2024


Last of May, beginning of June

Tuesday we had an appointment to get my Tahoe serviced.  Needed to be inspected and oil changed.  We also asked them to see what else needed to be done. With over 280,000 miles we were sure it needed something. We picked it up on Tuesday.  It drives a lot better now. 

My chair came back on Friday.  The people did a great job getting it reupholstered.  New springs, better foam and very comfortable.

We had a good storm roll through early Wednesday morning.  Close to an inch of rain.  Some areas lost power, but not us. We went to pick up a few groceries. Unfortunately they had lost power.  A lot of food got thrown out.  We stopped there today for a few things.  Frozen food areas still had a lot of empty shelves.

We picked more yellow tomatoes and a roma tomato.  First time raising Roma tomatoes.  When it gets too hot they slack off producing.  And start again in the Fall.  So we will enjoy them when ever we can.

I managed to get all 48 log cabin blocks made. I am putting it together in sections 3 x 4.  Easier to handle. 

Looks like we are in the 90’s now, summer has arrived.

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