Sunday, August 18, 2024


Monday Musings

Our girl Lady is healing nicely and the hair is growing back where they had to shave her so they could remove the cyst.  It will be a little while yet but she is starting to look like herself again. Just getting the staples and stitches removed was a big improvement. 

We brought more bins home from the storage unit.  I am making progress.  Turned over 7 boxes  to Linus of fabric and quilt kits.  Still more to go through however.  Osie brought my Log Cabin quilt back. She did a great job quilting it.  I gave her 2 smaller tops to quilt. Got the binding cut and sewn on one side of the Lig Cabin,  I do enjoy hand sewing the binding down on the back side. 

I love the wide backing I found.

In my last post I talked about Plot Twist.  Wasn’t sure how I wanted to finish it.  I couldn’t see cutting off so much to even up the sides.  This week I will go through my fabric to see what will work for setting triangles.  When you set blocks on the diagonal instead of straight you use setting triangles to even things up. Maybe I will have something to show the next time I post.

I worked more on my Christmas placemats.  Had hoped to have them finished to show but spent more time on other things.  The centers are done. Need to have a good pressing and trimmed to size. Then I can add the borders.

While going through the bins I kept out kits and block of the months I wanted to work on next. This is next on the list. A Five at the Hive program from Honey Bee- 2009!  This one in brights.  I have some from earlier years too but had a couple blocks already started.

It will look something like this when it it finished.

I have a couple of small projects I am working on as well.

Our weather hasn’t been too bad, not like last summer at least. We have been able to sit out on the deck some evenings.  Galen left early Saturday morning to go Lockhart with a friend. I took my coffee out side enjoying the quiet of the morning.  The birds kept Lady and I company.  I am sure the wrens would have preferred I was inside!  They can be very vocal! Such a little bird to be so loud!!! 

We have been getting a little rain although the heavy stuff seems to by pass us.  We have storms in the forecast for almost every day this week.  We don’t take bets.  More like wait and see attitude.

http://desigm wall Mondays

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