Sunday, August 18, 2024


A Week in Review!

I was able to work more on Follow the Leader quilt top.  In fact I finished it yesterday! Had worked on sewing blocks into rows. Had 4 of the 8 done.  Couldn’t get to sleep so got up about 1 AM and sewed the last 4!  Yesterday I put the rows together.  I am used to sewing rows together horizontally but the way this top is laid out- vertical rows.  That is 96 inches!!! A handful getting the last few rows on but it is done.  Will be giving it to Osie tomorrow to quilt for me.  We will be swapping again. She has one of mine quilted.  Also will give her the 2 here I have for Linus.

Follow the Leader top. Nice having a place to hang long quilts!

On the home front people were here late in the week to replace some 2 x 6 trim pieces on boxing.  We had Hardy board put on a year or 2 after moving in.  But for some reason we didn’t do the 2 x 6 pieces.  Several have now been replaced with Hardy board. Squirrel damage and one that had some rot.

Everything was caulked on Friday.  Painting was supposed to start today but Mother Nature said no.  We need rain in our part of Texas but it does come at inconvient times!!!  Tomorrow looks better. We will both be very happy to be done with the outside. 

On the plant scene things are blooming or starting to bloom.  Our Mexican Sunflower and Giant Coneflowers are blooming. The Bee Balm is close to blooming.

Eating lots of little tomatoes.  The other plants have tomatoes coming. And I picked a ripe pepper! (Cajun Belle)

This week I need to get busy with household chores!  There does come a time when things need to get done.

Guess I had best stop for now and go check on Lady.  It’s been storming so she is in her safe spot- Galen’s closet.  She has a bed in there. She sleeps there at night and whenever it’s storming it’s her go to place.

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