We have 2 standard poodles. I spend my time quilting and my DH has becolies
Another Monday
Am sitting on out deck reviewing last week. It was a hot one but not quite as bad as predicted. At least not at our house. Having some big trees surely helps. Friday and Saturday we even managed to have a little rain. Not quite a quarter of an inch but will take it. The heavy stayed elsewhere. Lady was sitting between us on the couch, one loud crack of thunder, she was gone to her safe room!
On the nature front Galen did go down to our LCRA lake a few times to see what Dragonflies were around. The most exciting thing here was seeing a Texas Rock Squirrel in one of our Live Oaks! I looked out our kitchen door and saw this critter resting in the tree. We get black squirrels once in a while but this really didn’t look like a black Squirrel. Once Galen took the picture he was able to study and ID it. They are more prevalent west of I-35 and not on the East side.He has previously seen them at Booty park in Georgetown. It was fun to see one here.

Our Mexican Sunflowers have really been doing well this year. As they are blooming more they are drawing the butterflies and hummingbirds. A Ruby and a Blackchin came into feed, both at the flowers and the humminbird feeder. They rest in the live oaks in between feeding. They blend in with the leaves. Hard to spot unless you see them fly into the tree.

I managed to get all the blocks sewn for 5 @ the Hive this past week. I mostly had some of the monthly extra blocks to make.

Galen was in Uvalde. Sunday so I got to play with some of the settings. My friend Sue Carter who hosted these has wonderful directions on piecing the top. And it’s pieced in sections. I checked out the beginning of section 1.You can only part of the yellow block.

The bowties and checks are 2 of the extra blocks. I need to sew border pieces on all the monthly blocks still. Monthly are 12 1/2 unfinished. The extra pieces when put together are 14 1/2 unfinished. Need to cut my 1 3/4 inch strips. If I can get the blocks bordered today I will start getting the top together and hopefully have it finished this week. That’s a big maybe!!!
I am still thinking on the fabric I want to use for my Plot Twist setting triangles. I did decide on my next new quilt project. It is Mirage, a free pattern at Jordan fabrics. I had the jelly roll and background fabrics together. I found it when going through bins. My strips sets are made and background squares cut. It will ge a fun one to make. Using Kaffe fabrics for the strp sets.
Lady got a clean bill of health from the vet this morning. No more ear infection. That was some good news. She gets a hair cut this Thursday so it shouldn’t be very noticeable where they shaved to remove the cyst. The hair is growing in pretty well.
I wanted something for dinner for dinner last night that was easy to fix as I wasn’t sure when Galen would get home. Saw a Sloppy Joe recipe that looked good. Haven’t had them in years. Got everything ready, sauce mixed so when Galen got back it would be easy to make. It was a hit. Enough left over for another meal and recipe will be marked- maje again!
Until next time
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