We had Rain!
Fortunately our storm Thursday late afternoon wasn’t near as bad as what hit the Houston area. Some are still without power. Our winds weren’t as bad and no hail, just 1.7 inches of rain in about 45 minutes! Will gladly take the rain. We were supposed to get some last Monday too. I guess someone got it but we only had a few drops! Our little LCRA lake was up several feet. But back down a day or so later. They fixed the overflow pipe earlier this year. It had several years of debris stuck in it.

Since it was dry Tuesday and Wednesday we were able to get most of the painting done – the trim outside on the first level and all the white on the deck. The high stuff will get done hopefully tomorrow.

I did manage to start another quilt- log cabin style. Using my favorite fabrics-batiks. Working 12 blocks at a time-chain piecing. I need to add the last 2 rows of darks on the first 12. Planning on making 48 blocks. Not sure how I will set the blocks. There are lots of ways of placing these blocks, different designs.

We did go for a short drive on Sunday out to Thrall. Galen managed to get a few dragonflies. Meanwhile I took on of our audience.

We had lots of bird activity at our feeders. Galen got a great picture of an adult Ladderback Woodpecker feeding a young one at the suet feeder.

This week I plan on making more log cabin blocks, have a quilt to bind ( gift) and plan on doing more sorting and tossing in my sewing area! My interests have changed over the years. No use keeping what I know will never get used.
Trying a new recipe for pulled pork tonight. Made in the slow cooker so no need to worry about making dinner! Will report on the outcome in my next post.
Over to Small Quilts Doll Quilts for some eye candy
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