Sunday, August 18, 2024


A Top is Finished

We pretty much stayed put this past weekend. We decided to not add the eclipse traffic. We are not very far off the direct path. We are supposed to be mostly cloudy. That will put a damper on things.  Time will tell.

Since we stayed home I was able to get the top together.   It is very different than the one in the quilt magazine.  That one was done in pastels!

After getting the top completed i worked more on trying to organize my area.  It’s probably a hopeless endeavor, but I will keep trying.

While Galen was out of town i tackled several kitchen cabinets.  Time to double check and rearrange.

Will decide today my next quilting project- something new or dig out one already started; maybe both.  One I am thinking about I can start the block segments as leaders and enders.

Until later

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