Sunday, August 18, 2024


Heading into Summer!

First I hope everyone took time to remember the meaning of this day.

We spent a quiet holiday weekend.  Mainly getting things done around the house.  I got a couple more cabinets and drawers cleaned out and better organized.  Galen tackled our teak table and chairs we have on the deck.  Time to get them ready for another year.

I managed to get the binding on my latest quilt.As I said last time this is to be gifted soon.

I also made another 12 log cabin blocks. Have another set of 12 partially made.

I picked our first yellow tomato today.  And there are more coming on the 3 plants.

Galen and I had breakfast on the deck one morning.   We watched a very entertaining squirrel.  He was bound and determined ge was going to get in one of our feeders. 

We aren’t sure what happened one time.  If he tried to land on the wind chimes by the feeder and fell or what. We just heard the clanging of them as the squirrel fell to the ground! He never got to the feeder. It was quite entertaining.

My Tahoe goes to the garage in the morning for inspection and oil change.   Has 281000 thousand miles on it.  Hoping to get a lot more.     I’m going to check my garlic this week.  It should be about ready to pick.   Would like to  get the log cabin blocks made

Time will tell what the rest if the week has on store for us.

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