Monday, June 15, 2015

Design Wall Monday-June 15, 2015

A little to show this week. First off is a better picture of the Jelly Roll quilt. Still have not decided if I will border it or not. At this point I am thinking not. But then you never know!
It doesn't have a name. It was designed by Sue who works at Honey Bee in Austin for one of their strip clubs. It's a combination of a 4 patch, 2", 4" up to 20" strips.

While in the motel I also worked on quilt blocks using the MSQC Chevron u-tube video. 
Here's 32 of them. Had to do a little frogging on several . there will be 40 total. Think I will make 2 small quilts-4 x 5 with a narrow border of white, then a 4 inch wide print border. One layout I am thinking of using from her video has some half blocks, so I'm not rushing to finish the last few until I get it all laid out.
I used a layer cake I had on hand. It's a floral. Forget the name but probably still have the particulars some where!

Have several more projects started - the motel was good for that, but not for laying out blocks. More to follow after I get things organized again. Not sure how much sewing I will get done over the next few weeks. Remodel should be about finished this week. They misplaced our tile in the Houston warehouse but it has not been located. So the flooring should get done by Wednesday. Tomorrow Tuesday we have a lot of people here. And my Dad is having some problems, so this may be it for a little while.


  1. I've been mulling over making a chevron quilt. I still haven't decided. I love the way you have the four pieces the same colour together.

    The jelly roll quilt is one of the best I have ever seen.

    Good luck with your Dad.


  2. Great pics, wonderful blog, what an inspiration you are.

  3. Great pics, wonderful blog, what an inspiration you are.

  4. Great pics, wonderful blog, what an inspiration you are.

  5. Great pics, wonderful blog, what an inspiration you are.

  6. Great pics, wonderful blog, what an inspiration you are.

  7. Great pics, wonderful blog, what an inspiration you are.


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