Monday, June 22, 2015

Design Wall Monday-June 22, 2015

Not much to show this week. Too much happening around here, very little quilty.
This is block #7 for the Easy Does It block of the month on Quilters Who Care. Good thing they are true to their name-Easy Does It!

We did manage to take an afternoon away and went out to Marble Falls for lunch.
It was a beautiful day after "Bill"

Galen. We were having his 70th birthday lunch

On the way home we stopped at Shin Oak Wildlife area
We are usually there the wrong time of the day to see many birds. But a Spiny Lizard wanted his picture taken.

We got back to a phone call from Dad. He ended up in the ER from 5:30 to almost 10:30. His cancer of the bladder has returned and he's been having  a lot of bleeding from the tumor. The past few days have been a roller coaster with more down than up. Doctor appointments another trip to the ER on Sunday. Saturday he was at the hospital getting 2 units of blood. This afternoon he starts radiation once again. Hoping it will shrink the tumor like it did last Fall. It's one day at a time. On the upside, when I left the ER Wednesday night I was treated to a beautiful sunset after another band of rain came through.

Our trees are too big now to get a great view to the west.

If you are following the remodel. The shutters for every where but the bathroom get installed on Thursday. Furniture out of storage on Friday. Will be waiting for the glass for the shower and the mirrors but we are about done. Then it will be on to phase 3 in about a month or two. Wall board people will be here today to do a little touch up as well as the painter to do the final round of painting and any touch up that needs to be done before Thursday. Doesn't matter how careful they are there are always some spots that get a little marked up when putting in flooring.

Between Dad appointments and life here it will be a busy week. And it probably won't include much sewing time-my therapy!

1 comment:

  1. It will be fun to see what you do with that quilt block and how the whole quilt will come together. It looks like fun.


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