Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Remodel Update-June 9, 2015

We're back on track with our new painter. He has sanded, dusted, primed, sanded and dusted again. Then put on the color!  Just about all the bathroom is finished now as far as the enamel work. One more small area to do. Then to finish up the bedroom baseboards and window sills. That will be tomorrow. Thursday they can start laying the tile again in the bathroom and the wood floor in the bedroom. Since Jose also stained the bottom step and railings going up stairs today we should be back in the house come Friday. Looking forward to that.
The Trellis type woodwork is for the wine rack in the one closet

Another picture showing more of the drawers and doors-vanities and cloaets

Doors primed again and ready to be painted

Drawers done and ready to be put in the closets

Step and railings to blend with the new flooring

Should be more to show over the weekend.

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