Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015-remodel update

We are really making progress now-the kind that shows! The tile has been laid and really makes the difference.
The Shower

Shower seat

Shower floor
The Throne Room
One of the closet floors
View from the bedroom

Everything is grouted except for the shower floor and ready for the next step. The glass people were also here this morning to measure for the shower and  the mirrors over the vanities. that will take about 10 days to get here, but maybe sooner. Tomorrow, Friday, the plumber and the electricians will be here. Monday we're scheduled to have the painter back, Tuesday we should have the shutters installed in the bedroom, living room and dining room. Furniture delivered from storage on Friday.
We won't have the shutters in the bathroom right away. They wanted to get the measurements just right with the tile. Will put something up there until they arrive. My work starts when the furniture etc comes out of storage.


  1. That's a lot of tile! Worth waiting for, though.

  2. Looks wonderful! First, I thought it must be fun getting this done. Then I realized you will be glad when this "fun" part is all done!


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