Monday, June 1, 2015

Design Wall-June 1, 2015

Since we are in the motel I have been sewing a little. Working on some easy things- Chevron Quilt from a layer cake (Jenny Doan tutorial), a strip club pattern from HoneyBee. Had the rows sewn but not together. That top is close to being finished.

Not great pictures in the motel but all the same, this is what I have been doing.

We did take off for a little while last Friday. Headed out to Lakeway to check out Lake Travis. It looks so much better now with water in it! Still could use for water for full, but seeing it at 70% full was a wonderful sight. It's now 77% full. Sometime Islands are pretty much once again under water. The tree saplings are sticking their heads out of water. It has been low for so long, there were young trees growing every where. Good cover for the fish!!!!!
 You can see the mark on the Dam where the water level should be, but there is a lot less showing now than had been. Will have to track down a picture from last year or the year before.
the girls almost always go along!

While sitting and waiting for Galen to get some pictures I saw a Scissor-tail Fly Catcher land on a limb in to the tree about me. Further inspection I saw the nest. Galen has a long lens for his camera. Couldn't get the whole bird because of the foliage and angle, but he did get a picture of her head. The nest was well camouflaged with all the mistletoe growing on the tree.

So nice to see the sun now, it had been ,issing most of May. They said on the news last night that Texas had a little over 35 Trillion Gallons of water dumped on us for the Month of May!

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