Tuesday, June 16, 2015


We had a set back after I wrote the last post.  Whenever the truck went to Houston to pick up the tile for the bathroom floor they couldn't find it.  So very little was accomplished until today. I think the only thing-a hole in each granite top for the faucets.  The tile guy was getting disgusted but fortunately he had another job he could work on while waiting for our stuff.  They found the tile on Saturday and it made it's way to Austin today.  Today started out with Danny and his helper. They got here in the rain and put the soft closures on all the drawers and hinges on the doors.  Now we have usable closet cabinets and vanities. He also put the lattice in the wine rack.
My closet. There are also shelves on the side you can't see and another hanging bar.I took the small one this time. Had a lot of "our" stuff in my old closet.

Galen's closet with wine rack. This closet does have duct work going to it. So it is good for wine

another view of Galen's closet

We didn't think there would be much else done today. This is the bedroom with all the bathroom fixtures and lights waiting to be installed

About 5 o'clock Greg showed up with a load of tile. The tile guys arrived too. They worked until almost 9 PM.
The bedroom was neater!

Close up of the travertine on the bathroom floor. This is also the same that we had put down last year in the kitchen and family room. Travertine-Philadelphia pattern.

Tomorrow if the creeks don't rise and the guys can get here they should finish laying the tile.
Probably good we have a back porch. I think the HOA would complain!!!!!

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