End of March 2024!
A fourth of 2024 is over tomorrow! Seems like we just celebrated New Years Day! Actually we are looking forward to a quieter rest of the year-no major surprises when it comes to our home. Yes, there are still a few things on the home to do list, but nothing like what we were having to deal with!!! Some trim painting-outside and repairing some landscaping in the front.
We did get to Old Settlers Park one day to get pictures of Lady in the Bluebonnets. They are really thick this year. The red flowers are Indian Paintbrush. And yes we checked for snakes.

I did get the Picture Frame quilt bound. That’s all set to go to Linus Connection. As always Osie does a great job of quilting for me. Since I bought wide backing (108 inches) there was enough to do another smaller quilt. Will get that one back from her soon.

I started cutting fabric yesterday for another baby quilt. Another friend is expecting this summer. Have several other patterns pulled for other quilts. Those are on the list to make as well as quite a few other projects. All from fabric in house!!! Hopefully in my next post I will be able to show other projects in the works.
We did buy some more herb plants, hanging baskets and other flowers this past week. Once we harvest the garlic, hopefully end of April-early May I will have more areas to plant flowers.
Spent sometime in the kitchen- dehydrated chicken for Lady’s nighttime snack. Yes she’s a little spoiled, but no more than Tilly and Tiki were! Also tried a new recipe last night. Singapore Chili Shrimp. It is from Tuesday Night cookbook by Milk Street. I was introduced to Milk Street by an online quilting blog. Am really liking their recipes as well as some of their products. Fun to try different ways of cooking foods. Anyway, we will definitely have the Singapore Chili Shrimp again. Reminded us of being in Singapore enjoying Chili Crabs and a pitcher of beer. It was a favorite thing to do when we visited there. A lot like growing up on the East coast and gorging on a bushel of Steamed Blue Point Crabs along with cold beer! Those were some fun times.
Speaking of crab we are having a quiet Easter tomorrow. Will be making crab cakes for the 2 of us and what ever else that looks good from the fridge! Haven’t made them for a little while and they sounded good!
Hope everyone is able to enjoy family and friends time be it around a table at home or at your favorite restaurant this weekend.