Saturday, March 30, 2024


Friday Nov. 3 2023

Yes haven’t written for a while. Busy getting rid of things. Amazing what one finds when sorting! Have several more boxes for Linus. Several boxes have already gone to Goodwill. We took some outdoor Christmas decorations that are still quite good but we’ve had for a long time. We needed a change and wanted something simpler! And there is the items we keep for someday! A lot if us are guilty of that.

I worked on a few projects and started a new one! Have a couple of quilts I need to make.

More blocks for my scrappy rail fence.

Found another tablerunner kit- this time a log cabin block. All batiks, my favorite fabrics. Blocks together, ready to finish.

It will take a day or 2 of non stop quilting to get all the ones finished!

A teaser- a new quilt started. This will change. 4 small blocks make up the larger block. Was just experimenting.

We have had a fair amount of rain the last week of October. It was much needed. Our little lake much higher now. Some areas flooded. The swans have been checking out new areas. Here they are enjoying the 18th hole at the golf course!

That is about all for now. Hope everyone is having a good Friday!

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