November 29, 2023
I hope all those who celebrated Thanksgiving last week had a nice time with family and friends. We went to Rockport, Texas for the week. The Whooping Cranes were back plus, it was a good week to take off. We get a room with a kitchenette. We didn’t miss out on a dinner of ham, sweet potatoes, and green beans. Oh and a bottle of wine. It was Lady’s birthday on the 22nd. We took her cake along. She turned 8.

Monday Galen went out with They went up the Inland Coastal to Aransas Wildlife Area. Galen got some great Whooping Crane pictures. One bird was banded. He reported it but hasn’t heard back from the site. Monday was really the only decent day as far as the weather. So it was good they went when they did. We did go out Tuesday and Wedbesday to check out other areas. Ducks were scarce. Some waders and quite a few Ospreys. One was banded. He sent that information off and did hear back. Saw lots of white pelicans. No Sandhill Cranes which is unusual. We have another trip scheduled for early 2024. See if there’s more wintering on the coast and were just late in arriving.

Since getting home we’ve been busy getting outside lights up the holidays. Later this week we will tackle the inside.
I have finished 4 quilts for Linus. Will get them to someone for the December meeting.

Need to get busy so by for now! Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!
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