Saturday, March 30, 2024


Dinner on the deck.

Close friends were here for dinner yesterday. Our first dinner with friends on our updated deck. They loved how it looked.

The meal was food partially prepared earlier in the day. Well, I did bake the sour cream peach pie. Didn’t have to spend a lot of time preparing once they got here. We were able to talk over wine then when ready to eat, Kerry got the table set and not long after that was done the food was ready

Had to use canned peaches this time but was still delicious

The rest of the meal we had crab cakes. Pretty much my Mom’s recipe- all jumbo lump crab, a new green bean recipe.

Of course we completed the meal with salad, rolls and lots of wine from Wedding Oak Winery in San Saba. TX.

It turned out to be a beautiful evening sitting on the deck and enjoying a relaxing meal with really close friends.

No sewing to report since my last post. Osie did drop off 3 tops she had quilted for me. I gave her 1 to quilt and 7 more boxes of fabric for Linus. I really am making a dent in my fabric stash but still more needs to go out the door. I know it is getting used instead of just hanging around and waiting for someday!

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