Saturday, March 30, 2024


February is almost over

Haven’t been keeping up on my blog. Been spending time watching work on the outside of the house. Too bad the builder is out of business and we have no recourse. I can understand why he went bankrupt etc. Things are getting fixed now. And we are learning a lot about how to lay brick!!!

I have also been sewing. I can now show the baby quilt. Mom and Dad like the quilt. I think Cedar does too! It should give him lots to look at as he starts to recognize things.

I also handed over a top for my friend to quilt. It’s a pattern from Cozy Quilt-Picture Frame. It uses 2 1/2 inch wide strips. This one will go to our local Linus Connection group.

Have another quilt in the works. Trying to use up some of my Texas Wildflower fabrics. I am using a pattern called County Lines.

I think we had our last cold snap. My garlic is going to town. If it all matures I think we will be giving some away!

Our Paperwhites are blooming and bushes are leafing out. We do have to figure out what we will do in the front now. They had to cut down some of the bushes so they could work behind them and the front bed by the door is pretty well beat up. We knew that would happen. We have been having a hard time getting plants to grow there anyway. I think it may get river rock and then a big planter or two. It gets the hot summer sun in the afternoon. We need to think it through. When we moved in the bed was full of Asian Jasmine. That disappeared when our landscapers decapitated a fairly large rattlesnake. Not something we wanted at the front door. It was one of our hot, dry summers. He found a nice cool spot in the jasmine under one of the outdoor spigots!

My Amaryllis bulbs have really been putting on a show. The one in first picture is a pale salmon color. My bulbs from previous years are starting to grow. Hoping to have blooms by Easter.

Bluebonnets are starting to bloom. We haven’t been out looking for them yet.

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