Saturday, March 30, 2024


Catching up!

Time does get away- the days go by too fast!

We had the trees trimmed on the 5th. The big stuff is off the roof in the back and crowns raised on others. They were here all day working in the 100 degree heat.

We did go to Salt Grass Steak house on Wednesday for our anniversary. They had Prime Rib that day. It was good too.

We had unexpected visitors at the LCRA retention lake near us. 2 Rosetta Spoonbills. Galen got a couple of pictures. Here’s one of them. They have continued their trip south.

Maybe we will see this one when we go to Rockport!

While sorting through quilting stuff found a top that needed to be quilted. This one along with 2 others went to Osie for quilting. We traded, 2 that she quilted back to me and 3 to her for quilting! Also gave her 15 boxes of fabric for Linus.

The past few days been spending more time at my machine. Found some kits that are quick. No sense putting them away for later.

And also found this Skinny Tablerunner Kit. Really nice bright batiks. 2 kits, both done and ready to be quilted.

We finally had some rain- 1 1/2 inches over several days. Not near enough but it’s a start. The plants sure were happy. And temperatures in the low to mid- 90’s are most welcomed! We’ve been taking advantage of our deck. We still have Hummingbirds coming into our feeders and also the few flowers that are blooming. And seeing a lot of the smaller birds at our feeders. Of course Lady is on squirrel patrol.

We are having more work done on our deck later this week. Won’t be able to enjoy it for a few days but it will be nice once it’s finished.

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