Saturday, March 30, 2024


October 15, 2023

It’s been a busy first 2 weeks of the month. The weather has been more like October weather. Some warm days but not hot. Nights have been cooler. Nice being able to sit out on the deck for a meal.or just a cup if coffee . Even made chicken pot pie one night the PA. Dutch way. Sent some with Galen to eat for dinner one night. The rest is in the freezer for one more meal.

Still trying to get organized. More boxes will he going to Linus. While going through boxes, bins, and piles of fabric have been putting fabtic aside with a pattern for a someday project. Pulled 2 table runner kits, one Christmas and one Halloween. The tablerunners are ready to be quilted. Have other small quilts needing to be quilted ASAP. Halloween one will have to wait until later. Maybe I will have the Christmas one ready in time!

I made a detour on my way to get my haircut Friday morning. Stopped at the LCRA lake by our bome. I was in luck- the mute swans were very close to the shore

On Saturday we were treated to a partial eclipse. Galen was able to get a couple pictures with his long lens.

That’s about it for us. Staying busy with day to day routine. Galen gets out with his camera some days to see what’s flying- birds, butterflies, dragonflies. And now Tiger Beetles have been added to hunt!

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