Saturday, March 30, 2024


Christmas Decorating part 2 and Tiki’s Quilt

Took awhile but pretty much have the inside done for this year. Not quite as much as in past years tho. We also had our front door stained last week. The hot Texas sun was doing some damage.

Changed things up a little bit inside. The Santa collection is now in the family room and snowmen in the living room.

Most everyone who reads my blog know we lost our 18 year old Standard Poodle this past June. We got her when she was 4. Her last 2months I was also participating in a sew along called Scrap Dance Quadrille. Did a lot of ripping when sewing,.not giving it my undivided attention but I did get it finished sometime in July. We have named it Tiki’s Last Dance and my friend who quilted it quilted in hearts, puppy paws and dog bones. Now to get a label made!

That’s all for now. Our wish is for everyone to have a good week. Stay well.

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