Saturday, March 30, 2024


Bits and Pieces

wasn’t sure of a title for this one, so bits and pieces it is!

Last week was an off week for me, under the weather the first 2 days and the rest of the week to get motivated! Galen ended up planting most of the plants we had bought for our raised beds. If they do well and produce we will have a bumper crop of various hot peppers and little yellow pear tomatoes as well as Roma tomatoes! We now have 3 plants of Yellow tomato plants as well-big slicing tomatoes. Hoping they do well. And I planted most of my herbs. My garlic is doing well. I can certainly tell which bed has the jumbo garlic. It’s at least twice the size of the other plants!

My older amaryllis bulbs ha e doing well. One more will be blooming soon! You can also see the spray bottle of Squirrel Away on the table. It really does help keep the squirrels from chewing anything and everything. Before we found this stuff they really did damage.

My Merkot Lime is also coming back. We thought we might have lost it do to our week of very cold weather but it’s leafing out again. I still need to plant my Lemon Grass. Then we will be all set for some Thai cooking!!

On the sewing front I handed over my Windblown Wildflower quilt to a friend for quilting. It’s a queen size and she has a bigger longarm for machine quilting. I also picked up my Picture Frame quilt top (Cozy Quilt Pattern) from another friend and gave her 2 smaller ones to quilt for me. The Picture frame and the 2 smaller ones will go to Our Linus Connection group. This is before quilting.

We have had just enough rain so far for the Wildflowers. The Bluebonnets are really thick this year. Hope to get out to get some pictures of Lady in the flowers.

I have made the decision to stay off my Facebook page for the time being. I would really like to drop it all together but am in several groups that I enjoy. So that is where I will be spend a little bit of time and not look at the rest. There is so much I want to get done and lets face it, Facebook is a rabbit hole some days! So this is the last time I will post my blog on Facebook, at least for the near future. If you want to follow along here, either bookmark or sign up for it to be sent to your email.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of March.

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