A Lot has Happened Since My Last Post
Right after my last post we had some colder than normal days and then some very wet days. I did manage to get some sewing done. Finished a quilt top, finished the top of another table runner and made the napkins to match. 2 more kits out of my box of kits! Table runners or toppers are generally a fun and easy project and quick! Of course I still need to quilt it. That will happen soon. This is just a quick look see!

During our cold snap I had seen a recipe in one of my Milk Street cookbooks for Taiwan Beef Noodle Soup. I do have the American Club in China recipe that I got before we moved back to the states but was curious to try it. It was good but not quite the same. And yes still using our Taiwan dishes.

A nice cheery spot is one of our Amaryllis is blooming and lot more blooms coming. It cheers me up while listening to the work being done outside!

With the rain ending last Thursday they started tearing off our old roof on Friday. That led to getting the masonry crew here. When the house was built in 1995 they did a terrible job on lots of things and things that don’t necessarily show up on an inspection. We had fixed things over the years of course but this is the worst. If you follow me on Facebook I have been posting pictures. By the end of this week there won’t be a lot of brick on the front or at the garage. The roof will have much better flashing. When they start putting brick back up it will be supported by angle iron and not just sitting on the shingles etc. And tied into studding and mortar will be the right ratio and not mostly sand. We have been learning a lot.
The roofing is all done in the back now. Last night we sat on the deck with a bottle of wine and Lady got to enjoy being out as the gates were closed. She had some good runs around the back! She’s even been able to chase squirrels!
I know the rest of this week is going to be noisy outside. My plans are to stay in and sew or get back to going through and getting rid of things. Of course I will have to go out and check on the progress a few times. We do have confidence in these crews. They have been in the business for 30 and 40 plus years. And very happy we have a great general contracture. They all work together. Plus they are very good at showing us pictures if we can’t see the problem from the ground. What did we do before smart phones?
Everyone have a good rest of the week.
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