A Very Chilly January 15th 2024!
All my good intentions of writing a post the.beginning of the year went for naught! Have been staying busy as well as limiting my time on the internet
We had planned on spending a week at South Padre Island but canceled. We had things here that needed doing before this frigid weather. We need to have work done on the outside of our home. We’ve never been in the same.home for 25 years. Getting estimates for the work was top priority. Plus we spent Friday and Saturday draining hoses, covering outside faucets and plants! We have managed to keep our Merkot lime through the past cold spells and hoping to be lucky again this year. It is too big to bring inside now. We used one of the support cages from our Mexican Sunflowers. Bought a roll of bubble wrap. Wrapped that around the outside of the cage. Now covered with several layers of old sheets and pushed back against the house. I did take a few leaves off last night as I was making Tom Yum Soup.

After this wearher passes we will be getting rid of a few plants and cutting back others.
The birds have been really enjoying our feeders. Galen’s been making sure they are filled especially the peanut feeders. The Blue Jays and Woodpeckers have been non stop.

And we have had lots of little birds

And yes I have been sewing. Working on blocks for a quilt that will ge gifted. Sorry no pictures. And I have one finished for Linus. Hope to get it turned in later this week for their meeting on Saturday. They are in need of as many they can get.

This one is from a kit I had bought several years ago. One more out of my kit container!!!
It’s warmed up a little 19 F. Will take this over the weather my friend in Alberta has been dealing with. Beef roast is in the slow cooker. If for some reason we lose power I will finish it on the stove. Been alternating soup one night, then a meat dish. That gives us some leftovers for lunch!!
That about covers the first half of January. Everyone stay safe.
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