Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Another busy day here at the Stewarts.  Greg 2 was here bright and early to change the door to the powder room downstairs and work more on the steps. The steps are a little problem but they are getting them figured out. It's a little different since we had the carpet removed and are putting down wood.
                          With the door opening to the inside it was tricky maneuvering around in there
                                                         Door removed

Door now opens out! Why we didn't think of changing it 3 years ago when we remodeled it!
However now i need to put a big sign on the door-Opens Out!

More work on the steps. 

.  We decided yesterday to have the decorative trim and chair rail removed in the office
       Of course that meant more work for Victor today. He and his helper arrived a little after 1 today to get started on more patching and then spray the texture on the walls
 Blue tape on the walls our contractor marking where holes and cracks need to be patched.You can see that the office is now sealed off with plastic
                             More blue pieces of tape, small bathroom door also sealed off
I still like our view of the back yard from the upstairs
Yes, all our walls have measles!

Tomorrow Victor will be back for more work on cracks and adding texture. Greg 2 will be back to finish up the steps. I think there is another step conference first thing in the morning. Danny will be dropping off doors and drawers for the vanities. I think if everybody gets their part done tomorrow the painters will start on Friday. That's the schedule anyway. Stay tuned!

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