Friday, June 10, 2016

REMODEL-DAY 4 June 10, 2016

A lot has been happening the past 2 days.

Not a lot of room to get a 300-400 lb tub up the steps to the 2nd floor. Yep
cast iron
                     4 strong guys. They were pretty tired after getting 2 tubs to the second floor

                              then  to get one into this bathroom, they had to take off the door and door frame

                                Tub is in the room but needed to be lined up. The one guy is standing between the joists. There was some discussion about feeding him when necessary if he couldn't get back out once the tub was positioned. The drains lined up and Steve was able to get out!

                 The other bathroom also a tight fit, but this time he could get to it from the attic.
                                                                        Tub 1
Tub 2
                                                Tubs are in place. Those drains connected

Galen checking out where they found one of the leaks in the bedroom window.

Greg will be back tomorrow to put insulation back in the attic and the wall.
Next week will be sheet rock, taping, texturing. New cabinets either next Friday of the following Monday.

We also got the okay from our HOA to redo our deck. So the projects will continue!

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