Wednesday, June 8, 2016

REMODEL DAY 2 June 8, 2016

The guys true to their word were at the house by 8:30 and started in right away. Fortunately I had a hair cut appointment as today they cut the bath tubs in half so they could get them out the door.

Yes it was noisy! Not sure if this will work. if not trust me it was noisy!!!!!


                These guys really clean up after themselves. Both days everything swept and vacuumed
                                          Carpet was needing to be replaced one way or the other. Carpeting wasn't                                               really bad the pad was falling apart. Guess that doesn't last 21 years!


                                        Look closely you will see half a bathtub!

 We decided it was time to replace the fold down ladder to the upper attic. It is above one of the bathrooms. The guys ran into a problem putting the new one in. The fold out is not as steep as the old one. In the morning they will change it little so the ladder can come down and not hit the top of the door frame. Everything else is pretty well accomplished. A little more wallpaper needs to come off and they will also frame out the inset caddies for shampoos etc in the bathrooms. I didn't blame them for stopping today, that attic work is hot in the afternoons.

Had planned on fixing dinner at home but we decided to head to our favorite restaurant in Taylor. that always means a drive by Murphy Park to look at the island,

Lots of Great Egrets, Cattle Egrets and Snowy Egrets.
The Little Blue Herons don't show up in the picture but they were there!

Until later!

1 comment:

  1. What is your favorite restaurant in Taylor? We don't eat out all that much but once in awhile a good place to eat would be nice to know.


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