Monday, June 6, 2016

Design Wall Monday-June 6, 2016

Nothing on my design wall, it is in storage! Nothing in the works either. However I pulled out 2 patterns and fabric that I hope to start on this week, once we are in the motel. We move in tonight. Instead of sewing, we have been cleaning out the upstairs    Pre-Remodel

Tomorrow the demolition begins. Yes, I will be updating this ever so often. In the meantime this is what I plan to work on.
                                                               PAISLEY PEAKS

I also kept out several bins of pieces that need need to be cut into smaller pieces. Figured if i was here with the workmen I could make use of the time and get some scraps cut and organized. Wish me luck there. But the kitchen island is the perfect height!

This is the earliest this has bloomed for us. It never really frosted back this year. It is so colorful.
The Pride of Barbados

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