Tuesday, June 7, 2016


The demo guys were here by 8:30 this morning. But I did get a few picture of before

                          This is one of the bathrooms being gutted. Definitely the wallpaper and                                           cabinetry of 20 + years ago when the house was built. this one has a door to the                                                              common area and to the one bedroom

                            No the bedroom walls are not blue-they are off white as in the picture below
                                           Bedroom on the west side off the common area

                                              Nice view from the window on the west side

                                                        Tilly checking out the neighborhood

                    The old sewing room   and sewing room closet  am keeping the closet for "stuff"
                                         This is office at the top of the steps

                                         Love the view from there. As you see we have a few bird feeders
                                           You can't see them all from this view

                                          French doors-office. Other door the west front bedroom

                       large bathroom between the old sewing room and the front bedroom on the east side
   wall paper border along the ceilings- really dates it!


Common Area-steps to the left. Railing on the right over looks the entry

                            Getting the last thing down stairs. Won't need this vacuum any more

                                                             The girls stayed out of the way
The Sprinkler guy was also here to move a few heads for us. Deck redo starting shortly!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words! It looks different now upstairs, Most of the carpeting is gone. More pictures later!!!!




  1. When you said major, you weren't kidding! Is this the same crew that did your beautiful kitchen last year?

  2. Yes this is the same group who did the kitchen and family room in 2014 and then the master bath and the floor in the rest of the downstairs last year. I told them last week that I hope they wouldn't be upset if we didn't call them next year!


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