Monday, June 13, 2016

Design Wall Monday 6-13-2016

I actually did get a little sewing in this past week but not until Saturday.

If interested you can check out the remodel progress, This will take you to the last post I did on it for the week. You can go back from there   Day 4
It was quite busy here for the week and noisy!  Today they are starting with the sheet rock.

Since they were here Saturday morning I took the time to cut the pieces for the Soiree pattern.
Cut the layer cakes into 2 - 5"squares and 8- 2.5 inch squares. And a while lot of background pieces!
Saturday night I set my little machine in the motel and started. Did get the first step done. 
Was planning on getting them pressed for the next step yesterday but that didn't happen. Maybe today!

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