Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Remodel Begins

Still doing some prep work before the demo crew that arrives on Tuesday June 7th. These are pictures taken before and during when the movers were here June 1

Common area at the top of the steps
                                                  Another picture of the common area


                                  And again another one looking towards the front of the house
My Sewing room hasn't looked like this for the last 15 years when I moved it to this room

 3 Men Moving. They were recommended to us by a friend when we were cleaning out Dad's apartment last November. We must have liked them and they are great to work with. We will have them back again to get the things out of storage once we can put the furniture back.
                           We definitely came back from Taiwan with too many "old" chests
                                   Getting the double Kitchen Cabinet down from the 2nd floor
It was a pretty full load-2 floor lamps went into the other van with the guys.

We had thrown some items into closets to go through after they left. Doing that now, but small boxes and most we can keep in the house.....some where. 

Will be doing updates, so stay tuned!

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