Monday, June 20, 2016


We just got the girls and us fed and the guys showed up-a little after 8 AM. Greg, our contractor and Greg the wood trim guy followed by Danny our cabinet maker a few minutes later. It was a busy morning with Greg 1 catching up on what was done last week while he was away and making sure the other 2 knew what needed to be done.
First off they started by bringing in the new vanities. This is the 2 person one in the
 big bathroom.

It barely fit through the bathroom door.
 But it did make it. Greg 2 is getting it in place and Galen is taking the back piece for the hand towel holder off the wall.
All in place and leveled
It wasn't always quiet, but all in all not bad
                                                         The vanity for the smaller bathroom
Bringing up the double doors for the closet in the office
                                              Our railings disappeared by 10:30

Looking up from the downstairs entry
               Greg 2 had his work station in the front yard so the saw dust stayed outside
                              We had them change all the door moldings on the upstairs doors
                                                         Temporary railings all in place
                               The door to the smaller bathroom now swings out instead of in
                                             New doors on the closet in the office
                                               This is the fire door for the attic entry
When they installed the new ladder to the attic they had to enlarge the opening.
Greg got that trim in place today. Greg left about 3:30 and will be back bright and early in the morning.

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  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...