Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Another day of painting. They were here shortly after 7 and left a little after 8 this evening. Looks like the priming is pretty much finished and the doors and window sills etc are finished. We think everything that needed to have the enamel paint  is finished.
The skirt going up the steps. The dark you see in the pictures. Where ever they were painting the enamel they taped a heavy paper on the wall so none of the enamel got on it.

             You don't realize how many doors are in rooms until they are off and getting painted.

 It is pretty ingenious how they have the doors standing alone in a row and not propped against the wall. I was wondering why they had long round poles with them. If you look at the top of the doors in the above picture you can see a round pole on top of the doors. There are nails on the underside-the doors are between the nails.

The drawers on the floor are all primed and ready for the color. That starts tomorrow.

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