Tuesday, June 21, 2016

REMODEL-WEEK 3, DAY 2 , JUNE 21, 2016

Another busy day at the Stewart's house. Greg 2 and his daughter were here by 8 along with Greg, our contractor. Got the plans laid out for the day, but a question on the steps. Greg 2 worked upstairs until both contractors could be here to discuss the plan. Greg got the fire door installed to the attic. Much better and tighter fitting door.
                  After that he got a lot of the trim around the base of the walls finished. He brought his daughter along today as a gopher. She brought the wood around from the garage for him and that helped a lot. Plus she got to clean up after him.
Paul, Greg 2 sitting on the steps and Greg (contractor) and of course Galen-the step conference. The starter step is going, no curve at the bottom on the railing and the wood will go all the way to the edge. No painted apron.
 Where you see the open space at the end of each step-that was where the apron was that butted up against the carpet. The wood will run to the edge now
                       This time the bottom banister was really anchored to the started step. Big bolt through from underneath and through the banister.  Would not have been good to try and cut through!
                                                 No more fancy curve at the bottom

It will be a straight shot, nothing fancy

The door to the left standing against the windows will go in tomorrow, It is for the downstairs powder room, Right now the door opens in, leaving very little room for anyone in there to get in or out.

Since Paul was here, (His expertise is really tile and flooring) he checked out the sub flooring upstairs

                             I have never seen a level that big. Sub floor has a few spots that need some                                                 correcting but all in all not bad

There will be some sanding, actually a lot to get off the gunk that the builders left when they covered it up with carpet.  Some places will need more float put down than others for leveling. But they have seen worse. That was a piece of good news.

Greg also cut the bottom of the window trim off in the master bath. Now they can finish putting the rounded cap so it will look finished!

The granite guy will be here sometime today yet to measure the vanities. Tomorrow, Greg 2 will finish up. Victor will be back to finish patching walls. We added to his job today. Had the chair rail and added decorative trim on the walls taken off in the office. Looks good in the dining room but we don't need it in the office. And of course either Greg, Paul or both will be here sometime.

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