Thursday, June 30, 2016


Another busy day at the Stewarts' all though we took off for a while. Painters were here shortly after 7.  By 8:30 Jay and his crew arrived to check out the ceiling on our porch. They needed to see how the rafters and supports ran. they cut a few holes in see the construction so they could figure out what they needed to do for the new deck. We are getting rid of one of the brick posts completely and the others will be replaced with cedar supports. they did close up the holes again so we won't get any unwelcomed visitors . that job is scheduled to begin on the 18th.

This is the porch/deck now

After Jay and his guys were  finished we decided to put the girls in the car and take off for a few hours.
                                        This area was under water several weeks ago

                                           This is August 2013. The lake was 60 feet lower

                                                That was then

This is now June 2016

Got home to the big sprayer to use upstairs

It was nice enough we had dinner outside. No paint smell!

Yesterday the tape was on the walls so they didn't get the enamel on the walls. Now everything that was painted yesterday with enamel are covered with paper and tape

Or in cased in plastic

The path to the upstairs!
The guys will be back in the morning between 7 and 7:30. They said they would be finishing up tomorrow

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Another day of painting. They were here shortly after 7 and left a little after 8 this evening. Looks like the priming is pretty much finished and the doors and window sills etc are finished. We think everything that needed to have the enamel paint  is finished.
The skirt going up the steps. The dark you see in the pictures. Where ever they were painting the enamel they taped a heavy paper on the wall so none of the enamel got on it.

             You don't realize how many doors are in rooms until they are off and getting painted.

 It is pretty ingenious how they have the doors standing alone in a row and not propped against the wall. I was wondering why they had long round poles with them. If you look at the top of the doors in the above picture you can see a round pole on top of the doors. There are nails on the underside-the doors are between the nails.

The drawers on the floor are all primed and ready for the color. That starts tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


We started out the week with one of the painters here starting the prep work-patching nail holes, sanding, caulking around the windows. Greg was also here. He spent some time putting 2 coats of waterproofing on the walls at the tub. It is expensive but effective. He painted on one coat, then adhered paper to it and then painted another coat on top. Today he was back and put another coat on the walls. And we had 3 guys here today finishing the prep work and then they started priming.

                                                    Waterproofing around the tub area
                                         They had all the open areas taped with plastic
Steps going upstairs

Starting on Wednesday it looks like 12 hour days for the painters 7-7 or close to it. They want to be finished by Friday with touch up on Saturday morning. Early mornings for us for sure!

Thursday, June 23, 2016


It was another busy day.  Greg 2 got here bright and early to start on the stair trim. Turns out it was an all day job.

This was taken about the end of the day. Greg is finishing up.
                                  Looking up at the common area from the front entry.
                                              The walls in the office are looking better today
                             The covered everything where they were spraying the walls with texture so                                                                          there was no over spray
Victor touching up one spot on the way down the steps.

We will see these guys again later on in the job.

Our Pride of Barbados is in full bloom.I think we need a few more of these for color!

I think the painters will be here tomorrow to at least start their prep work.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Another busy day here at the Stewarts.  Greg 2 was here bright and early to change the door to the powder room downstairs and work more on the steps. The steps are a little problem but they are getting them figured out. It's a little different since we had the carpet removed and are putting down wood.
                          With the door opening to the inside it was tricky maneuvering around in there
                                                         Door removed

Door now opens out! Why we didn't think of changing it 3 years ago when we remodeled it!
However now i need to put a big sign on the door-Opens Out!

More work on the steps. 

.  We decided yesterday to have the decorative trim and chair rail removed in the office
       Of course that meant more work for Victor today. He and his helper arrived a little after 1 today to get started on more patching and then spray the texture on the walls
 Blue tape on the walls our contractor marking where holes and cracks need to be patched.You can see that the office is now sealed off with plastic
                             More blue pieces of tape, small bathroom door also sealed off
I still like our view of the back yard from the upstairs
Yes, all our walls have measles!

Tomorrow Victor will be back for more work on cracks and adding texture. Greg 2 will be back to finish up the steps. I think there is another step conference first thing in the morning. Danny will be dropping off doors and drawers for the vanities. I think if everybody gets their part done tomorrow the painters will start on Friday. That's the schedule anyway. Stay tuned!

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...