Sunday, January 12, 2014

Stash Report-week 2, 2014

Once again another week of nothing! Nothing in and nothing out! Batting zero on all counts. If you want to see why here is the link to the first remodel post and you can follow what's been happening last week.

 I had better have some figures for next week. Have a Top of the Month that is due on Thursday.  I am to the point on that where the next one will cost $10; the $5 and then the last one free.  I need some sewing time this week!


  1. What fun - a brand new kitchen! Hope you are able to squeeze in some time for quilting.

  2. Like at Wall Street - when a stock doesn't go up or down - that's a positive and is in the green column. Congrats on the kitchen remodel - they are a lot of work.


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