Sunday, January 12, 2014

Design Wall Monday-Jan. 13, 2014

Not sure how much time I will have in the morning.  The workmen will be here about 8 AM and hopefully start taking out the glass blocks. The plumbers should be back to drop the gas line from the attic to the kitchen.  And since this is the first time I have actually used the sewing machine for a month I want to get in on the show and tell!!!!! Also not sure when the electrician will be here-Monday or

Have been working on the Top of the Month that is due this Thursday.  Amazing how deadlines can spur one on. Besides I am so close to getting the free one, I need to keep at it! This one is the
Rainbows End by Villa Rosa designs.

Rainbows End Blocks laid out

I am using the same fabric for the borders that is also in the center of the blocks.
It feels good to be sewing again!


  1. I just love your girls in all the Blue Bonnets. Maybe I can take mine for a ride and a pic this spring. We have Blue Bonnets, Indian Paints and Buttercups all along the roads here in South Texas as well. My girls got the spa yesterday One is Black and One is she's white LOL.Hugs Carol TX

    1. between the dead grass that both girls love to roll in and the fact their hair was a little longer that sticks to them and then all the dust from the remodel they really needed baths. We try and get pics every year of them in the blue bonnets. It seems our blue bonnets, paintbrushes etc manage to bloom at different times!

  2. I also love patchwork like yours. It is very beautiful and I love the one with the black/bright borders. Hugs Carol TX

  3. Cute quilt. UGH we remodeled our kitchen a year or two ago. Not a fun time but love the finished product! Can't wait to see what you've done.


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