Monday, January 27, 2014

Design Wall-Monday January 27, 2014

I finished one of the Top of the Months.

                                                            Folklore by Villa Rosa Designs

I made 6 mug rugs. Here's a picture of 4 of them, gave the other 2 away.

The tutorial for these

And still on the wall-my raccoons
I hope to finish this one this week. Think I will put cornerstones in this one 
to make it just a little different from the doggie one.Will see what I have that was left over.
If you have been following my kitchen remodel postings-the cabinets should be coming today. Will be posting this evening. Oops! No kitchen update tonight.  With the ice last Friday the one shop was not open
so our cabinet guy has to go there today to pick up some things. Will be here tomorrow.

If you have the new issue of Quilters Newsletter (Feb/March 2014) look at page 87.  That's my friend Joan Howes and her daughter Denise.

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