Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Remodel Day 3

Day 3 was pretty uneventful-no geysers at least! The guys were here bright and early again.  the girls were at the groomers. It was a good day for them to be away all day. It was a rainy day so they would be in most of the day and it was  noisy day inside between the saws;  the tool they were using to get the tile off the floor and the other one to remove all the grout.They have made a lot of progress as you will see in several of the pictures. Tomorrow they will be here to finish smoothing the concrete slab and tearing apart the half bath.  They will wait until Monday to remove the block windows-want to let things dry a bit-supposed to have showers off and on the rest of this week. I think the plumber and electrician will be here yet this week to do some work. 
Removing the tile in the laundry room
Morning confab!

Looking into the kitchen from the family room-the ceiling is now all one level!
Tearing off the white decorative trims

the will sheet rock over the wood. The white rectangles are also gone as well as the
white chair rail.
The tile is off the wall, the pantry is gone. The plumber will be moving the water pipes
in the lower left corner to further into the center-maybe a foot or two.  Something like that as the sink will
be on this end of the granite island.  The island is about 5 x 7 1/2 feet.

Different view of the room-the before

The after
Looks so much bigger now from the family room!

Most of the cabinets headed to our friends place in Brady today.  On Friday
Habitat for Humanity will pick up appliances and other things we are not keeping!
So far things seem to be on track!

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