Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 2 of the Kitchen Remodel

Got a good start again today, the guys were here shortly after 8 to start working. Since we were going to be moving the refrigerator this morning Galen and I thought we would get it ready, some of the food out, turn off the water to the fridge.  We should have left that part alone!  I may have turned the valve the wrong way!  But the tile floor was clean for the guys!
Tearing out the Pantry!

Tearing out the Pantry

Moving out the refrigerator

Some of the tile is up. The PVC pipe is where the sink had been

Solid blue patch on the wall is where the fridge used to be. 
Laying out the Cabinets
I now have pencil outlines on the floor as to where the cabinets will be, the different appliances and the granite island in the center. Guess had better start shopping!

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