Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 5 of the Remodel

We now have a hole in the kitchen floor-yes, the plumbers were here today for most of the day. I know we left at 6;30 to get some dinner and they were still here working.  But we got home later they had left-we have water again. They will be back on Monday to work on the gas line for the gas cook top.  The demolition guys will be back on Monday to tear out the block windows and I think the electrician will also be here. Tuesday they will brick up where the window used to be. probably more electrical work. Wednesday, will be building inspector day from the sounds of it.  Once we get through that inspection, they can start covering up things.
Plumbing in the laundry room
New plumbing in the kitchen

Tilly inspecting things

Galen checking out things
Isn't that one of m quilts under the plastic?
What is going on here wonders 

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