Sunday, January 19, 2014

Stash Report-week 3, 2014

I got to sew last week and finished my top of the month in time for the Thursday deadline. That was good in that it meant I was able to get the fabric and pattern for this month for $10.00.  It was bad because I bought another kit for this month so I will be making 2! But how could I resist this?
They had one hanging up using this as their focus fabric. I just couldn't pass it up! On the upside I already have some of it cut and ready to go.  So by next stash report both of the tops will be finished.

Used this week:       3.5
Used to date:           3.5
Added this week:     8.5
Added to date:         8.5

Net for the year:      

Starting week 3 of the kitchen remodel. Will hopefully begin putting up the sheet rock on Tuesday. 

Back to Patchworktimes


  1. Love the coons, they will be great as a focus fabric for your quilt.

  2. Oooh, pretty! I'll look forward to seeing your progress next week.


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