Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week 3, day 2 of the kitchen remodel

Yesterday, Monday we had the plumbers back out redoing the trap for the sink.  This morning the city inspector was back out to double check the job. Then the sheet rock people started.  The sheet rock is up and someone will be back in the morning to finish up the job-some patching in the ceiling and other small places. The hole in the floor needs to be filed in with concrete, walls textured and then probably early next week we will see some cabinets!
The vent pipe hanging down from the ceiling over the ladder 
is where the cook top will be located

Looking towards to the eating area

Laundry Room

I managed to sew this afternoon-a little noisy since my sewing area since it partially over the 
kitchen.  But I did manage to finish one quilt top and make some mug rugs.  Good afternoon! The girls
will be at the groomers tomorrow. They will be happy to be elsewhere for a while!

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