Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kitchen Remodel-week 4, Wednesday

More progress was made today. The guys installing the cabinets were back here before 8 this morning.  The painter was here checking out all the details-what got painted what color, what was stained. All the necessary details. Had the paint chips from Benjamin Moore.  He will be back in the morning with samples of stain on pieces of our wood for the cabinets so we can decide just what medium oak is what we want. As the painters were measuring and double checking their measurements, the carpenter arrived to do the trim around the base of the walls.
Early this morning. The pipe coming up in the front cabinet is for the sink

Looking at the cabinets under the granite island. Notice on this and the first picture no trim
on the top of the cabinets.
Cabinets in place in the laundry room

If you look closely you can see the trim at the top of the cabinets

The pipe that was showing in another picture is now hidden

wood trim 
We went out for dinner tonight to BJ Brewhouse
Now that our trees have really grown we rarely get to see the 
sunsets like this. This was a treat. 
Not sure what is happening tomorrow with the kitchen. If the cleaning crew will be here or someone else.
Tomorrow will take care of itself!

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