Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kitchen Remodel-week 4, Wednesday

More progress was made today. The guys installing the cabinets were back here before 8 this morning.  The painter was here checking out all the details-what got painted what color, what was stained. All the necessary details. Had the paint chips from Benjamin Moore.  He will be back in the morning with samples of stain on pieces of our wood for the cabinets so we can decide just what medium oak is what we want. As the painters were measuring and double checking their measurements, the carpenter arrived to do the trim around the base of the walls.
Early this morning. The pipe coming up in the front cabinet is for the sink

Looking at the cabinets under the granite island. Notice on this and the first picture no trim
on the top of the cabinets.
Cabinets in place in the laundry room

If you look closely you can see the trim at the top of the cabinets

The pipe that was showing in another picture is now hidden

wood trim 
We went out for dinner tonight to BJ Brewhouse
Now that our trees have really grown we rarely get to see the 
sunsets like this. This was a treat. 
Not sure what is happening tomorrow with the kitchen. If the cleaning crew will be here or someone else.
Tomorrow will take care of itself!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kitchen Remodel-week 4, Tuesday

We ended up being a day late in getting our kitchen cabinets delivered.  They were supposed to come on Monday, but last Friday was a bad driving day-ice. So the one shop was closed all day.  Things were picked up there yesterday. Was not sure they were going to get here today. Another Arctic blast - temps in the mid-20's early this morning with drizzle.  That didn't start till around 5 am. so you can imagine what the roads were like during rush hour.  Lots of slippery bridges and over passes and people not prepared for it.  The schools went from a 2 hour delay to no school. (over 200 accidents in the Austin area alone)

A Texas roof shouldn't be looking like this! The gutters were frozen
so we had  icicles and then dripping water freezing on the porch. So a little slippery-careful walking was needed. 

 Seeing as the cabinet guy is about an hour away and in the country we weren't sure.  However they did get here around 1 P.M. (It didn't get above freezing until noon). They got some of the cabinets installed today and are planning on being here before 8 in the morning. Not sure if the trim guy while be here tomorrow afternoon or wait until Thursday.

Installers getting directions from the cabinet maker.
Discussing the cook top vent 

The big tall cabinet is for the refrigerator. I really wasn't sure about the cabinet for the fridge, Never had 
a set up like that. But once the other cabinets were put in place, it will be good.

The dark cabinets will stay wood stained-hickory.
The light wood cabinets are for under the granite slab (island) they will painted.
The open side you see in the picture is for the side facing the family room-doors without knobs, will have have finger holds cut into the top of the doors. That way they will not look like cabinets.

Tall cabinet close to the arched doorway ( right side facing you) is for the microwave and wall oven. 
Then to the left a cabinet, then the cook stove top under the vent pipe, next is another cabinet.
You can see more of the cabinets where the corner pantry used to be.
The the refrigerator cabinet, then the cabinets where the glass block was located. Without the
window I can have a nice back splash with outlets instead of having an extension cord on the counter! 
If the weather is cooperative in the morning we will be pretty well on track.
cabinets for the laundry room. The one on the right on the floor is the over the washer/dryer/sink cabinet. 
Then the tall cabinet at the end! We ordered under cabinet LED light strips for here and the kitchen.
Also took down the fluorescent light and put in cans. Moved the light switch to the hallway so we could have the tall cabinet.  It is shaping up nicely. 

The only thing we need to buy ( we think) are pulls for the cabinets. Bought the lighting yesterday, 
the plumbing pretty much finalized I think we are good to go! 
The girls have been great! Tilly was too busy exploring to be in the photo.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Design Wall-Monday January 27, 2014

I finished one of the Top of the Months.

                                                            Folklore by Villa Rosa Designs

I made 6 mug rugs. Here's a picture of 4 of them, gave the other 2 away.

The tutorial for these

And still on the wall-my raccoons
I hope to finish this one this week. Think I will put cornerstones in this one 
to make it just a little different from the doggie one.Will see what I have that was left over.
If you have been following my kitchen remodel postings-the cabinets should be coming today. Will be posting this evening. Oops! No kitchen update tonight.  With the ice last Friday the one shop was not open
so our cabinet guy has to go there today to pick up some things. Will be here tomorrow.

If you have the new issue of Quilters Newsletter (Feb/March 2014) look at page 87.  That's my friend Joan Howes and her daughter Denise.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


More progress was made this week in stash reduction!  I finished one of the tops for top of the month. I also made 6 mug rugs. Each one used 6 -10" squares . I do believe that comes out to 2.5 yds.

Used this week:     6.75
Used to date:       10.25  
Bought this week:     0
Bought to date:        8.5  
Net:                       1.75

Back in the black again!

Linking up with Patchworktimes

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Week 3-Day 6 of the Kitchen remodel

Since the roads were not good on Friday, the guys were here bright and early this morning to finish up spraying the texture on the sheet rock. Also he patched some places on the high ceiling in the family room.

Still on the stilts

Patching the ceiling!

Hole is filled in where they had to move the plumbing for the new sink

The walls are all sprayed with the texture mix and ready for painting!
We are on track-Cabinets should be installed Monday!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Week 3-day 4 of the kitchen remodel

The sheet rock people were back today to begin the texture on the walls and ceiling.  They got the sheet rock up on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Today they got most of the texture finished but will be back to fix some places on the ceiling in the family room.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate in the morning and the roads won't be bad.

Don't you love the stilts?

The temperatures dropped all day so when I went to the 
fridge on the porch to get the food for dinner the girls bed was covered
with sleet.  They weren't at all interested in getting on it! 

If all goes according to schedule the cabinets should be coming on Monday!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week 3, day 2 of the kitchen remodel

Yesterday, Monday we had the plumbers back out redoing the trap for the sink.  This morning the city inspector was back out to double check the job. Then the sheet rock people started.  The sheet rock is up and someone will be back in the morning to finish up the job-some patching in the ceiling and other small places. The hole in the floor needs to be filed in with concrete, walls textured and then probably early next week we will see some cabinets!
The vent pipe hanging down from the ceiling over the ladder 
is where the cook top will be located

Looking towards to the eating area

Laundry Room

I managed to sew this afternoon-a little noisy since my sewing area since it partially over the 
kitchen.  But I did manage to finish one quilt top and make some mug rugs.  Good afternoon! The girls
will be at the groomers tomorrow. They will be happy to be elsewhere for a while!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Design Wall Monday-January 20, 2014

Two weeks in a row I can show something on the design wall! This is good news. I finished the December Top of the Month-Rainbows End.

Today I also got to work on the January Top of the Month-Folklore. 
Need to add the final border.
I also got started on the one using the raccoon fabric.
I have my six blocks made.  Isn't that just the cutest fabric?

I think there will be more time to sew this week, depending on the progress with the kitchen.  Have a do over in the morning with the trap at the sink. Then another inspection in the afternoon. They hope to start putting up sheet rock on Tuesday. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Stash Report-week 3, 2014

I got to sew last week and finished my top of the month in time for the Thursday deadline. That was good in that it meant I was able to get the fabric and pattern for this month for $10.00.  It was bad because I bought another kit for this month so I will be making 2! But how could I resist this?
They had one hanging up using this as their focus fabric. I just couldn't pass it up! On the upside I already have some of it cut and ready to go.  So by next stash report both of the tops will be finished.

Used this week:       3.5
Used to date:           3.5
Added this week:     8.5
Added to date:         8.5

Net for the year:      

Starting week 3 of the kitchen remodel. Will hopefully begin putting up the sheet rock on Tuesday. 

Back to Patchworktimes

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 2-day 3 of the remodel

I guess I should not talk on the phone and do this at the same time-lost everything!!!!!! The masons were here by 8 this morning and so was the electrician.  his helper was sick so it was just one until someone could come and help. We thought the masons might be here yesterday but that job took a little longer than expected. That was good, gave us a day off!   The masons weren't happy with the way the bricks were going , when they had about half of the bricks laid. They took them out and started over. So glad we went with this company Masterstouch of Georgetown (Saber-Concepts) for the job.  their sub contractors have so far been great. When they are done for the day, they clean up after themselves and put everything away etc.  Great people to work with.

Once the mortar is dry it will be hard to tell there was a window there

Some of wondered about the girls and how they are handling the disruption! Probably  better than us, although for them to both be on the bed at the same time is unusual!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 2-day 1 of the redo

The guys were here by 8 this morning.  The electricians, the demolition guys were here taking out the glass block window.  Yes we had a nice day with no drizzle.  The plumbers were back to drop the gas line down to the kitchen from the attic and to check out their work from last week. Very professional-you don't want a leak to show up once the hole is filled back in with cement.

opening where the glass block window was located.
The electricians busy at work

All the outlets and the gas line
Galen is reusing the shelving from the pantry out in the garage.
power washing the bricks being used to fill in the hole form the glass block window
Tomorrow will be an easy day-the masons will be here to brick up the window. Electricians will be back on Wednesday to finish their job. The city inspectors should be here on Thursday then they start with the sheet rock.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Design Wall Monday-Jan. 13, 2014

Not sure how much time I will have in the morning.  The workmen will be here about 8 AM and hopefully start taking out the glass blocks. The plumbers should be back to drop the gas line from the attic to the kitchen.  And since this is the first time I have actually used the sewing machine for a month I want to get in on the show and tell!!!!! Also not sure when the electrician will be here-Monday or

Have been working on the Top of the Month that is due this Thursday.  Amazing how deadlines can spur one on. Besides I am so close to getting the free one, I need to keep at it! This one is the
Rainbows End by Villa Rosa designs.

Rainbows End Blocks laid out

I am using the same fabric for the borders that is also in the center of the blocks.
It feels good to be sewing again!

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