Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 7- Kitchen Remodel-Thursday

We took a break today and the five of us (Galen, Dad, Tilly, Tiki and myself) went to see the Llano Eagles.  Unfortunately the chick was happy to stay in the nest and not try out it's wings.  But the one adult stayed perched on the branch close by ever vigilant. The last time we were there a hawk was bound and determined he was have an eagle chick for lunch. A good five minute chase followed. One adult  eagle chased the other adult never left the nest.

We then had a relaxing late lunch at River City Grill at Marble Falls. Beautiful day so we had lunch on the porch overlooking the river. I do love their grilled steak salad. And brought half of it home!

When we got back to the house we found the tile that had been laid yesterday had been grouted. He had run out of tile yesterday. So he grouted what he had laid today while waiting for the rest to arrive.

Also put most of the back splash in place in the Butlers Pantry. The plain is up but we have added a little "bling".  You can see one piece has been added and where it is cut out on the rest-that is where the 3x3 pieces will be placed.
While we are looking at things, I noticed there seem to be more shelves etc than had been stacked up before. Got the camera and looked-yep! More than on Friday!

 While we were standing in the new kitchen I took a few other pictures from the very back of the kitchen. I hope that somewhere I have pictures that I can scan or download from the same general area.

                                                          Will see what tomorrow brings!


  1. Your home is gorgeous even under construction. Wow. Hugs Carol TX

  2. I love your girls. Mine are Momma Mia ....Mia for short black femail about 10lbs nice long legs. Baby Girl ...Baby for short is one of her and Sir George's pups .. white female same height as Mia 9.5" weighs LOL 12.5 lbs. I have them to keep me amused and busy sometimes. Gotta say DD has a Male Standard named Rusty...white with chocolate spots kind of the colors of hunting spaniels. She should have named him Mighty Mouse he is scared of the wind. Carol TX


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