Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kitchen remodel-week 6-Wednesday

After a few days off for one reason or another we are back on track! The painter was here yesterday painting the window sills, wood trim, and some of the butler's pantry.

At 8 this morning the carpenter arrived with the doors and drawers.

He already has the doors on the island

Working on the upper cabinet doors.
another view

The laundry room, not painted yet.The 
painters arrived about an hour after the carpenter. they finished some things out of his way.

Now that all the doors were up they have been taking them off to spray them, sand them, then spray them again with the urethane. It seemed backwards, but then thinking about it a little more, it made sense. This way they were positioned properly
Drawers are finished

Doors are back up!

Now they' re getting ready to paint the doors for the island.
Rest of the painting will be finished tomorrow. The granite arrives 
on Friday.  Next Monday they will be starting backsplash,  floor and 
also getting the small front porch done.

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