Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kitchen Remodel- week 4-Saturday!

Friday started out to be a busy day.  The painters came to look things over again and start taking down blinds and cleaning the cabinets.  The cabinet guy was here checking out the installation of the cabinets his people did. The contractor and and his wife were here to check on what finish we wanted on the cabinets.  Good thing as they brought along several samples on our wood along with a piece of the back splash and granite top.  That changed our mind as to what we were going to go with. The cabinets are hickory and the wood grain is really nice.  Don't want to darken it any and the clear does darken it just a little. By the time we both got home the painters had things pretty well wiped down, vertical blinds were off, everything ready to go for first thing this morning.
They were here bright and early this morning.  Got several coats of urethane on the cabinets and the cabinets under the big piece of granite primed as well as the laundry room cabinets.

Fortunately it was a nice day in the 70's. Needed to have the house
open to help with the odors. Not to bad this evening, so we'll be fine staying in the house tonight.

The laundry room.
Got tomorrow off then they will be back on Monday. Things are moving 
right along!

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